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Find out how the Family Court works


#What does the Family Court do? ... This is your chance to find out. His Honour Judge Stephen Wildblood QC, designated family judge for the Bristol area, and a #panel of legal experts have arranged a #FREE Family Law session at Bristol County Court about how the Family Court works, what to expect and where to get helpful information.

You can find out what the Family Court does, #what it's like going to Court and what to expect in terms of: paper work, giving evidence and the hearing process in general. Also information is available about #Legal Aid, the support available when you attend Court by yourself and alternatives to the Court process.

This will be an opportunity for you to come to the Bristol County Court building and ask questions about the practice of the Family Court.

Here is the link to book for your free session on Eventbrite

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Family Court Friend is NOT a legal advice service.  It is a support and guidance service.  


Although  Deborah Nelson is a qualified Solicitor she does  not hold a practising Certificate to be able to advise you as to the merits of your case.  We are providing a service to you as a McKenzie Friends/Legal Assistants and therefore will not be responsible for any adverse decisions made in your case resulting from documents we have helped you prepare and guidance given to you prior to or during court proceedings.  We will not be responsible for any decisions made by you, the court or the other party's solicitor. or applications, 


If you require advice about the merits of your case or application or what to say in your statements you should consult a Practising Solicitor who is regulated by the Solicitor's Regulation Authority or a Direct Access Barrister.  

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