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Advice & Support
We have created a list of websites and organisations that we feel will be of assistance if you are representing yourself (we are in the process of adding to this list so please check back here regularly : 


Advice Guide  the Citizen's Advice Bureau is an extensive guide to family and relationship matters including aspects of family life that may be troubling you, for example, what happens if your partner dies and there is no will 


Centre for Separated Families provide information and advice for everyone affected by family separation to help bring better outcomes for children. They specialise in working with families where children have rejected a parent or are at risk of doing so. 


Child Maintenance Options  you can calculate child maintenance here and there is a precedent for a private child maintenance agreement 


Child Protection Resource provides information, advice and support for anyone involved in the child protection system


Children's Legal Centre provides free legal information, advice and representation to children, young people, their families, carers and professionals


Dad Info helpful tips on communicating, negotiating and solving problems following separation as well as an active Dads forum


DirectGov here you will find an A-Z comprehensive guide to all matters relating to divorce, children and finance


The Family Court without a Lawyer by Lucy Reed is the book you need if you have to go to court to sort out issues relating to separation, money or children


Families Need Fathers offer information, advice and support services to help parents achieve a positive outcome for their children


The Family Procedure Rules and Practice Directions which include the amendments made in April 2014 and can be downloaded from the Ministry of Justice site in PDF format


Grandparents Association the national charity that supports all grandparents and their families


Match is a charity offering support and information to mothers apart from their children


Money Advice Service offers information on financial issues and has sections on divorce and separation


National Association of Child Contact Centres has a search facility for contact centres by type and location


National Family Mediation is the largest provider of family mediation in England and Wales


National Youth Advocacy Service is a UK charity providing advocacy, advicem information and legal representation to children, young people and vulnerable adults


One Plus One is a charity whose aim is to strengthen couple and family relationships, they have an excellent online parenting plan


Only Mums and Only Dads are a wealth of information on legal, financial and emotional matters 


Refuge Support and information on domestic violence 


Samaritans are available 24 hours a day providing confidential emotional support


Shelter The housing and homelessness charity







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